Monday, August 06, 2007

Moved too..

Moved to Namir the Wondercat at

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Fair trade Coffeehouse and Antique Store

Fair trade Coffeehouse and Antique Store

Fair trade coffeehouse offers all its coffee in an environmentally friendly, and socially guilt free opinion for only a dollar more (for a large). The coffeehouse also features a quality antiques showcases from local thrift stores that are sold in an auction every two months. 30% of benefits from auctions go into a pool to Sponsor women from third world countries through Women for Women International. Every $324.00 pooled will help to support a woman for a year. Every month there is a special drink that buying will add to the pool, and donations to the pool are accepted.

Letters from the women who are being supported will line the walls of the coffee shop, along with information about the benefits of Fair trade coffee. A small sample of the products from Global Girlfriend, a non-profit organization that helps women worldwide sells straight to you, are available for sell. The organization’s catalogs are also available upon request. The Coffeehouse is filled with comfortable, and beautiful antiques that it has purchased from local thrift stores. The local library has donated a number of old, but good books.

The small community has crossed its fingers to see if this radical new coffee shop will survive. The owner believes that it will, and hopes that similar coffee shops will follow its example. One thing is for sure; this coffee shop challenges its visitors to ask more from its coffeehouse. It just might have cornered a market that Starbucks has overlooked. A market where visiting the local coffee shop can make a person feel like they have made a difference in the world.

I hope that this small coffee shop survives, and that its effects on the coffee market are widespread spurring even Starbucks to start offering fair trade coffee as an option with every drink. Perhaps I am just a dreamer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I will buy time - break from dreams

I seat here drinking Red Machine, Naked Superfood.

I have recently taken on the assignment of taking a pair of broken glasses found in a parking lot and transforming it into all the possible stories that could have lead to this outcome.

The stories will be placed besides framed pictures of many people, and the theme will be that this object cannot be given a race or sex. Let me cut and paste one of my brainstormed openings… Never mind, I wrote it in a sketchbook and I do not have it with me.

I know that the idea sounds a bit "lets all hold hands" cheesy, but if the right tone is taken then it could be a very simple, and profound statement. In fact if you understand the concept, and want to take on a similar project (similar meaning not a pair of broken glasses, and framed pictures) go ahead.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Dream of the Musee d'Orsay

Two summers ago I had a dream based in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. I had visited there earlier that summer. The basic layout of the museum was the same, but the contents where completely changed. First, I stopped in a side area on the right of the museum, but instead of the usual paintings I found the tombs of greek gods. One was the tomb to a snake god, and another was a tomb to a human god. I took the skull of this human god in my hand, and balanced it in my hand. A clear act of disrespect, but they were dead anyway.

I walked through the museum, and saw many wonders of the past, but time has faded that their memory to just gold, bright, and grand. A pair of huge wood doors stood in front of me. Its wood painfully carved with great detail.

I entered a room that was much like a cathedral like church I attend every week as a child. In this room stood all the greek gods alive and well. The snake god glanced my way, and I knew that after showing so much disrespect I was in danger.

I tried to quietly run over the top of the pews to get out of the room. A god with a winged hat who looked much like Will Ferrell grabbed me. I realized that this was the god whose skull I had held in my hand. Dread filled my heart expecting endless punishment. Instead he started to flirt with me. Pulling me ever closer. I looked at his winged hat thinking that I knew who god this was, but I couldn’t quite place him.

As he leaned in to kiss me I pushed him away, and ran out of this weird church.

The dream continued, and it had many other scenes that portrayed my understanding of France, but this is a blog about dreams of men, so I have isolated this part.

Features of the rest of the dream include a masquerade, in which I was so small I was overlooked.

And a stairway that lead to the area the pour wondering soul of Cosette from Les Miserables wondered. She carried a candle, but the place she wondered in was completely black, and I knew I did not want to go down and meet her.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A dream about a Dog Demon

It is a very rare thing to dream about a 2-D comic book character, or any book character for that matter. This is why it was so strange to find a 3-D flesh and blood Inuyasha in one of my dreams.

He came, he played with my hair, and it clear was that he wanted to “hug” me. He is extremely good looking in 3-D the transition was wonderful. He leaned to kiss me.

No, I told him, I couldn’t do this. I respected Kagome (his unofficial girlfriend) she was a good person, and I was not the kind of person who would hurt a good person.

Inuyasha gave me a weird look through his big yellow dog eyes. Just one side of his mouth was raised in a smile. He stood so close that his long white hair could have easily been blown by the wind to softly caress my check.

He turned and in a blur of red, he disappeared, and even in my dream I kicked myself for being to loyal and good.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Water that reveals the soul - Pure hearted men

There is a Dr. Jeremy Taylor, who claims that when someone dies in a dream it can often symbolize change of oneself. If this is true then I have died in my sleep many times the last year. For example a dream I had a while back.

This dream started out with a scene about a man from India, after he put his hands in water, and the water turned white, and it became clear that he was pure of heart. I liked this man, but couldn't be with him, because of a division of culture. As a good man it was important to his culture that he did not end up with a white girl like me. Then an Indian female decided to have me undergo the same test with the water. In went my hands, and the water turned a bluish green. It was clear that this meant I was tied to growth, and life.

The women explained that while normally it would be a shame for this man to end up with someone so white the test shows we two are extremely compatible. So she would help us get together.

First she told me, "You have to hide because men where coming who would kill you if they see you." So I ran down a hall, in what turned out to be a local mosque, and into a side door. It was a men's bathroom. The men came in to pee, found me, and shot me dead.

My body was placed by the bowl of water. The pure hearted man came and saw me. He came and knelt beside me. He cried because he had loved me, and stabbed himself.

When I woke up I realized the whole thing was very Romeo and Juliet.

I have a habit of having dreams that will come true, as it turns out this one did have a base in the future, but it was not about love. Unless, it hasn't come true quite, yet. I think my record is predicting something in a dream six months before hand, and that was a very big thing.

Sadly, I cannot tell a dream that will come true from one that will not.

I do not mean this entry to be in anyway racist, but we do live in a racist/sexist world so my dreams do sometimes reflect that.

The man that I believe this dream was about does not go to a mosque. In fact, he is Hindu. I think that the whole mosque setting must have meaning, but it cannot be taken at its surface value.

There was a man I interviewed (class project) at that mosque just last year, and he seemed like a very nice young man, and also pure of heart. Perhaps, I felt that both of these men are good men, and they are both of another races my mind formed a connection between the two.

Maybe my dream was telling me that this man would change my racist views (almost everyone is in some way racist) just as the man at the mosque must have. In a sense, this would be a double death, and a double change.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The bomb ring... A first edition to my dreaming

When I was a young one (possible year 1998-2000) I dreamed that I was going out with the perfect man. He was so perfect in fact that it drove me crazy (You know how annoying it is when anything is perfect.) So I broke up with him, for being to perfect.

In the dream, I was explaining this to my mother who thought I was crazy for doing this. So she sent me to an insane asylum.

While going up the escalator into the tall skyscraper that was the asylum/airport/mall/movie theater I saw Kramer (from Seinfeld) trying to go up the down escalator.

Once in the asylum I was to undergo a series of tests. For the first one they took me to the top of the skyscraper, and told me they were going to push me out the window. Looking down at the unending void I did not like this idea. Yet, still they pushed me out. I fall for a short time only to hit a clear wall. It was some kind of see-through glass that could not break.

In the asylum, I underwent a number of other tests before I decided to make a run for the airport. I did not make it to the airport, but I made it to the mall. While running through the mall I tripped on some candy that some friends of mine were sharing. I fell in front of them while they talked about boy bands. I did not waste much time with them, and continued through the mall, and into the movie theater.

As I ran through the movie theater the red carpets turned into hills that moved up and down beside the empty sets. Then suddenly I took a seat and the theater was full.

The man besides me had a ring that he handed to me, and left. I realized the ring was a bomb, and that if I didn’t disarm it soon everyone in the theater would die.

As I tried to quickly figure out the bomb's puzzle, I heard my mother calling me to get up from my dream. I woke up, but only into another dream.